Gartenhotel Pfeffel
Hotel Das Eisenberg 1
Schwarz Alm 1


offers various different dancing trips since 2004. The idea behind that: compact dancing lessons over a (long) weekend, or distributed over a week at carefully selected locations.

A beautiful ballroom and good food are a must, most of the selected hotels also offer great wellness areas or a located next to the water. In a pleasant ambience and far from everyday's hustle, learning has a lasting effect.

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the Idea

in 8 to 10 dancing lessons varying topics and needs are covered. From beginner to the proficient hobby couple, from Waltz to Slow Foxtrot, from Boogie to Argentine Tango. But always lessons for couples with high expectations towards teaching methods and results. Dancing, movement should be natural, music is interpreted through movement and, at the same time, harmony is created inside the couple.

(Re)creative weekends, aligned to the participating couples, with style and lots of fun!